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Apply Now for Your Chance to Win an Accela/NEHA 2016 AEC Scholarship

This year, Accela and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) have partnered to award 15 scholarships to environmental health professionals interested in attending the NEHA Annual Educational and HUD Healthy Homes Conference (AEC), presented by the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative. The event takes place June 13-16, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas.

The Details:

• Scholarship application submission period is February 22-March 25, 2016

• Must be an active environmental health professional – sorry, no students

• Winners will be announced by Accela on April 8, 2016

The application period is now open.

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If you are considering attending the event this summer, learn more about applying for an Accela/NEHA AEC scholarship.

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