Eco-Healthy Child Care Course

Learn the free or low-cost steps that child care providers can take to protect the children in their care from common environmental hazards such as lead, pesticides, household chemicals, mold, art supplies, and unsafe plastic products including toys and dishware.
Thursday, March 1, 2018, 8:30am - 3:15pm
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Registration Price: $60 To register, visit Registration closes February 11, 2018. Child care licensing professionals, please contact us for complimentary registration.
By successfully completing this training participants can earn:
• 5 STARS credits
• Approved by WSBRS for 5.5 CEUs for registered sanitarians
• Two nationally recognized certificates: Eco-Healthy Child Care® Trainer Certificate and the National Healthy Homes EHCC Module Certificate Learn the free or low-cost steps that child care providers can take to protect the children in their care from common environmental hazards such as lead, pesticides, household chemicals, mold, art supplies, and unsafe plastic products including toys and dishware.
Child care nurses may apply for credits.
For more information regarding accreditation, please contact the University of Washington DEOHS Continuing Education Programs at 206-685-3089 or
This 5-hour Train-the-Trainer session is intended for child care trainers, technical assistance providers, child care administrators and those responsible for purchasing, child care licensing staff, child care health/nurse consultants, licensors, nurses, and any individual interested in children's environmental health.