Calling all NEHA members!

NEHA’s Board of Directors (BOD) is soliciting volunteers to serve on the BOD as Region 1 Vice-President for a three (3) year term starting in July 2017.
Regional Vice-Presidents are members of the Board of Directors and Affiliate Council of the National Environmental Health Association. They represent the NEHA members in their Region. The candidate must be an Active or Life member of NEHA for at least three (3) years prior to taking office and will remain an Active or Life member during his/her term of office.
If interested in serving on NEHA’s Board of Directors, submit an application
and resume by no later than March 31, 2017 to Faye Koeltzow at or NEHA, 720 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 1000-N, Denver CO 80246. Your materials must be received by the deadline or will not be considered.